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Spiritual Amnesia

Writer's picture: Rev. Jay NollRev. Jay Noll

“Who are you?” the little girl asked her father. She had fallen from a horse and was suffering from amnesia. You have probably watched a movie or read a book in which one of the characters suffers from this condition. Maybe you even know someone personally who has gone through the agonizing condition. The person may not know who he is or who those around him are. The situation may seem humorous to others, but I am sure it is far from funny when it really happens.

Sometimes, we as Christians, suffer from spiritual amnesia. We take a “blow” to the head when our enemy, the devil, strikes us with temptation, condemnation, persecution or other attacks. In the middle of it all, we may forget who we are. We don’t remember that if our trust is in Christ, we are God’s children and He is our all-knowing, protective Father. It slips our mind that the One in us is greater than our adversary (1 John 4:4), and that He has given us all we need for a victorious Christian life (1 Peter 2:3).

As God’s children, we must never forget who we are. If we do, Satan will have us right where He wants us. We will be weak and ineffective because we will have forgotten why we’re here, where we are going and what God has given us in His Son. On the other hand, if we remember in the midst of spiritual attacks, we will do great things for God’s kingdom. We’ll know who we are in Christ, we’ll keep in view where He is taking us and we’ll hold onto the blessings & resources He’s made available.

Are you suffering from spiritual amnesia? Have you forgotten who you are in Christ? I encourage you to open God’s word and refresh your memory. I invite you to allow the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your understanding to see who God has made you to be. And I encourage you to open your heart to grasp what He has made available to you. If you do this, the spiritual amnesia will disappear and you will be on your way to a victorious Christian life.

“Lord Jesus, sometimes I forget who I am in You.

Protect me from the blows of the enemy that cause spiritual amnesia.

Drive deep into my being the truth of who I am in You.

Help me to see all that You have provided

that will help me live victoriously in Your kingdom.

In Your name I pray, amen.”

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